I placed this picture a month ago, before I went on holiday to Indonesia. Here some wording at the end.
It was May the 1st, a public holiday in Yemen and time for some Yemeni fun! The day started with a super duper breakfast prepared by my lovely colleagues Suzan and Tomna. Tomna, Suzan and her sister prepared delicious foods. I might forgot the names but I do remember how good it all tasted. There were cheese stuffed bread roles and honey sweet flat breads, and of course Fasoulia the traditional every day Yemeni breakfast dish which tastes like Chili Concarne (my favorite since I’m a baby hahaha).
After the breakfast, we went out to Aden and enjoyed every part of entertainment possible in town. From beach to restaurant to shopping mall to amusement park. Especially the last one was a big surprise. In the 4 months living in Aden I didn't know of its existence. And guess what…they even had bumper cars!!! How hilarious bumping around with the Yemeni girls!
Suzan and Tomna thanks for being such a great colleagues and thanks especially for that day! Thanks to you I look forward to get back to work again :)
It was May the 1st, a public holiday in Yemen and time for some Yemeni fun! The day started with a super duper breakfast prepared by my lovely colleagues Suzan and Tomna. Tomna, Suzan and her sister prepared delicious foods. I might forgot the names but I do remember how good it all tasted. There were cheese stuffed bread roles and honey sweet flat breads, and of course Fasoulia the traditional every day Yemeni breakfast dish which tastes like Chili Concarne (my favorite since I’m a baby hahaha).
After the breakfast, we went out to Aden and enjoyed every part of entertainment possible in town. From beach to restaurant to shopping mall to amusement park. Especially the last one was a big surprise. In the 4 months living in Aden I didn't know of its existence. And guess what…they even had bumper cars!!! How hilarious bumping around with the Yemeni girls!
Suzan and Tomna thanks for being such a great colleagues and thanks especially for that day! Thanks to you I look forward to get back to work again :)
It's me, ronald.
Ziet er heel anders uit dan Bali...
Leg nog eens uit, wat doe je daar? Iets met Arcadis?
Wel boeiend maar sinds wanneer ben je weg bij VSO?
Ik zit nog steeds lekker te Accenture'en en om de paar weken een trip naar Partij...
Goed om te zien dat alles ok is met jou en Bambang.
lieve dorine
we hebben gekeken en gelezen.
mamma en ik hebben het heel fijn gehad in rome bij steffi dus je denkt dan even naar dorine, maar dat kan dus niet zomaar.mamma en ik hebben het er welover maarhet zou ook iets zij alsjij bij bambang bent in indonesie. veel succes met het project en misschien kun je me ook skypen ik skyp met steffi.
kusjes mia en biek
Hé Dorine!
Wat een ellende alleneu! Wat hoor ik, alles gejat! Écht balen hoor! Hoop dat verder wel alles fien is en dat je beetje vakantie gevoel hebt! Heb al eerste sollicitatie gehad in A'dam, bij Wolfprodukties, super leuk, laten me vlgnde week wat weten, verwacht er niet veel van want nadeel is dat ik nog niet in A'dam woon enzo en is eerste soll. so we shall see! Mmboh Pinkpop was weer über kix! Vooral zaterdag en zondag, wel zaterd kutweer! Ook 2 dagen camping meegemaakt! Erg lachen! Als je weer kunt sms-en etc. laat ff wat weten!
Tot gauw! xx Kimbuhrly
It is me Arwa
It's a good website Dorine .good pictures ,Its good that you keep some memories from here or there.
The best thing that you share all this with others.
Taiz -Yemen
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